Cancer. Heart disease. Global warming. Water scarcity.

What do they all have in common?

Pile of MoneyThree questions to ask the good folks at the charitable organizations you may be supporting:

  1. Why does the American Cancer Society not tell us about the leading cause of cancer and how you can prevent, slow, halt or reverse most cancers?
  2. Why does the American Heart Association not tell us how we can reverse heart disease in over 90% of the cases?
  3. Why do none of the large environmental organizations like The Sierra Club and Greenpeace tell us the leading cause of global warming and water scarcity?

Fact. The leading cause of cancer, heart disease, global warming and water scarcity is one and the same. It is our toxic western diet of some combination of meat, dairy, eggs and/or fish three meals a day. To back up this BOLD statement, I have provided a few short videos in this blog and have referenced over a dozen blogs at the end of this page.

Early detection continues to trump true prevention---the elimination of the cause.

Early detection continues to trump true prevention—the elimination of the cause.

It all boils down to money. There is no money to be made in making people healthy. But what about the environmental groups? They’re not in the business of making money; they’re in the business of protecting our environment, right? That’s what I used to think, too. Read on.

If you’re hearing this kind of news for the first time today, you probably won’t believe me. Fair enough; do your own homework and try to prove me wrong. But assuming that I am right; how could we possibly have any better news than that?

Why is that GOOD NEWS? Because the simple answer to ALL of these devastating problems can be summed up in two words: Whole Plants. Simply by switching to a whole food, plant-based diet—something every meat eater can do overnight if she so chooses—we can literally change the world. And the most important thing that we will do is preserve Mother Nature’s ability to sustain us as a species.

American Heart Association

American Heart Association

We can also eliminate most chronic diseases, slash the cost of healthcare, curb global warming, end water scarcity & world hunger, restore our oceans and reforest millions of acres now devoted to raising animals for our dinner tables. And for all you animal lovers, we’ll end the suffering of close to 100 billion animals (per year) that we have been led to believe that we actually “need” to eat in order to be healthy. NOT.

First, let’s take a look at cancer. As a board member of his Center for Nutrition Studies, I have seen Dr. T. Colin Campbell lecture on cancer prevention many times, most recently on 1-24-14 in Princeton, NJ. Here is a ten-minute excerpt of a similar 2013 lecture.

Now for the environmental concerns. With a mission of caring for our planet, how could the world’s top “environmentalists” possibly not be telling us the complete truth about the single leading cause of  global warming, water scarcity, deforestation, soil erosion, ocean acidity and many more? In the 2014 movie trailer for Cowspiracy, Michael Pollan succinctly explains why in a recent video (See below):

GreenPeace and the Sierra Club, with millions of supporters, are just two of the large groups not telling us the truth about the environmental impacts of our food choices.

GreenPeace and the Sierra Club, with millions of supporters, are just two of the large groups not telling us the truth about the environmental impacts of our food choices.

I think they “focus grouped” it and it’s a political loser. They’re membership organizations you know; they’re looking to maximize the number of people making contributions. And if they get identified as being “anti-meat,” it will hurt with their fundraising.

Quite simply, the most affluent two billion people in the world (those who eat most of the meat & dairy)—it’s like they’re all “sleepwalking off of a cliff,” says James Cameron.

And despite the civilization-ending consequences of not taking decisive action now, none of our environmental, scientific or political leaders have chosen to awaken the sleepwalking public. The following is the 90-second trailer of a documentary that may not ever be seen by very many people.

Why is that? MONEY

Still not convinced? Browse through a few of my recent blogs. I have been told that they are among the best I have ever written. Maybe that’s because I have focused on the single most important topic in the history of humankind—the longterm sustainability of our civilization and ultimately, our future as a species.

Links to a few of my earlier blogs on sustainability. Some people object to my use of the term “infestation of planet Earth” to describe humankind in the last two blogs. After you grasp the damage we have inflicted on our ecosystem in just the past fifty years (a mini-blink in geological time), you are likely to agree with my use of that term. Actually, I think it was Mark Twain who used it first.

  1. 1-25-14. NOTHING is more important than SUSTAINABILITY! Has links to another 14 related blogs at the end.
  2. 1-28-14 Titanic Sets Sail Once More—A different ending A fable that illustrates the consequences of not telling people the truth about the most important issues.
  3. 2-5-14. If you have children, you may want to read this one first. Solitude of the cemetery; a place for soul-searching
  4. 2-3-14 Global Depletion. The Big Picture. The Solution. A beautiful and powerful documentary along with a powerful one-hour read.
  5. 2-4-14 dedicated to the memory of Dr. Robert Goodland. Food Choices. The primary cause of global warming?
  6. What’s FOOD got to do with cancer?
  7. How many people do you know that have heart disease? (4-27-13)
  8. Eating for health or sustainability? Why not BOTH?
  9. The CERTAINTY of global warming and water scarcity…
  10. “Humans: the real threat to life on Earth.”
  11. Sustainability and Food Choices. Is anyone listening?
  12. The TERRIFYING repercussions of our DEMAND for meat
  13. Bill Clinton connects “sustainability” and food choices.
  14. Saving civilization is not a spectator sport!
  15. S.O.S. (Saving Our Species) — An urgently needed PLAN
  16. Are humans the “infestation” of planet Earth?
  17. “Infestation” IS the best word—if it gets your attention

Handy 5-piece take-charge-of-your-health kit—from

Why should we be eating mostly plants? The “big picture” in 4 minutes.

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J. Morris Hicks, working daily to promote health, hope and harmony on planet Earth.

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—J. Morris Hicks, board member since 2012; click banner for more info:

Nutrition Certificate

About J. Morris Hicks

A former strategic management consultant and senior corporate executive with Ralph Lauren in New York, J. Morris Hicks has always focused on the "big picture" when analyzing any issue. In 2002, after becoming curious about our "optimal diet," he began a study of what we eat from a global perspective ---- discovering many startling issues and opportunities along the way. In addition to an MBA and a BS in Industrial Engineering, he holds a certificate in plant-based nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, where he has also been a member of the board of directors since 2012. Having concluded that our food choices hold the key to the sustainability of our civilization, he has made this his #1 priority---exploring all avenues for influencing humans everywhere to move back to the natural plant-based diet for our species.
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3 Responses to Cancer. Heart disease. Global warming. Water scarcity.

  1. Thank you for helping us stand strong!

  2. Leo S. says:

    Here are three short videos on cancer. We eat foods which cause cancer. We are the ones who have to change our choices so we might have a different outcome.

  3. Last fall as part of our local half marathon at local cancer agency was at the health fair. I asked the woman behind the table whether her agency encourage d its clients to eat a whole foods plant-based diet. She looked at me as if I were speaking Chinese. I encouraged her to read “The China Study.” And I suggested everyone in her agency read it too. A local radio personality who is also a prostate cancer survivor does a commercial for a local ribs place. He also does a spot encouraging men to be tested for prostate cancer. He fails to see the connection to eating meat and cancer. On Saturday our local Division I women’s basketball team is having its annual pink out game. Before the game the team is hosting a luncheon for breast cancer survivors. I’d bet dollars to doughnuts that animal flesh is on the menu. Again, the organizers fail to see the meat-cancer link. Every October a local grocery store chain has Cancer Day with 5% of the day’s sales going to a couple different cancer agencies. The ad last fall had meat and dairy products at the top of the page. Too bad Sen. McGovern’s report on the dangers of meat was qushed. It’s time the public knew that meat is unhealthy and is slowly killing us and our planet.

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