Do your children know what we’re doing to our oceans?

Featuring a new 12-minute video from Philip Wollen

Philip Wollen, an enlightened former top corporate executive on a mission

Philip Wollen, an enlightened former top corporate executive on a mission

Not familiar with him? A former top Australian business executive, he now describes himself as a humanitarian philanthropist–dedicating the rest of his life to ending the despicable acts of our species when it comes to all other living things. A few excerpts from his Wikipedia page:

Philip Wollen OAM (born 1950) is an Australian philanthropist. He is a former Vice-President of Citibank and was also General Manager at Citicorp. At age 34, Australian Business Magazine named him in the top 40 headhunted executives in Australia.[2] In 2005 he received the Medal of the Order of Australia [3] and in 2007 he won the Australian of the Year (Victoria) award.[3][4] In 2012 he was made an Honorary Fellow of the Oxford Centre of Animal Ethics, UK. In 2014 he received the University of Adelaide Distinguished Alumni Award Wollen went to school at the Bishop Cotton Boys’ School, Bangalore. He lives with his wife Trix and his four dogs in Melbourne, Victoria.

In short, this is the kind of inspired leadership we so desperately need. After rising to the top of the corporate world, he became enlightened about the ecological horrors associated with how we humans choose to feed ourselves. And, like me, he has concluded that it will take powerful leadership to get us back on the right track. Yesterday, after reading my blog  about his fellow former business tycoon, Bill Gates, he weighed in with this comment:

Well said, Jim. . . . . If we could only get 5 people in a room and enlighten them to the truth of the animal industrial complex, this world would be on a fast track to sanity . . . . . Xi Jinping, Rupert Murdoch, Pope Francis, Bill Gates and Narendra Modi. (Of course, I could think of other attendees – but this is a fair start).

Pope FrancisI like Philip’s list of five and am actively working toward reaching those kinds of powerful leaders. Currently, I am preparing myself for an upcoming meeting that a colleague and I will soon be having with a very prominent and highly respected leader outside the USA. No he’s not the pope, but he could probably figure out a way to get us a hearing with him.

We believe that this particular man has the requisite combination of integrity, conviction, courage, resources, leadership skills and popularity–to organize and lead a global coalition aimed at urgently promoting the health of our ecosystem that gives us life. If that meeting is a success, you will hear all about it. Maybe he’ll even be able to get us that meeting with the Pope.

Now, sit back and take a listen to my friend, Philip Wollen, a powerful voice of enlightened leadership. As he states above, with a few more enlightened leaders, we might be able to get ourselves on a fast track to sanity. 

One more thing, I have gotten to know Philip through our mutual “enlightenment” regarding the unconscionable horrors and gross unsustainability of our food choices in the 21st century. And I am truly honored that he chose to provide this endorsement for our upcoming book, the “4Leaf Guide to Vibrant Health, Using the Power of Food to Heal Ourselves and Our Planet.”

“The thesis of this book is simple—and it provides solid, fact-based reasons for its conclusion: It is imperative for humans to get off the meat, egg and dairy drug. For me, these reasons also alluded to the petals of the four leaf clover: faith, hope, love and luck. Lucky people will find this book–ethical and wise people will take its message seriously.”–Philip Wollen, Humanitarian Philanthropist, Former General Manager of Citicorp in Australia

This powerful new book will soon be available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle format.

Available soon on Amazon in paperback and  Kindle format.

Philip’s famous video from down under. Just in case you’ve never seen this fiery speech that went viral and has been seen by millions, click here to take a look at the page on my website that he shares with my esteemed colleague, Dr. T. Colin Campbell.

The following five books and one DVD can be purchased on Amazon for a grand total of less than $60—and will enable you to understand the overwhelming challenges we face—along with the single most-powerful solution of all.

Six-Pack from Hicks—for health, hope & harmony on planet Earth

  1. Healthy Eating, Healthy WorldThe “big picture” about food (our book)
  2. A life changer for millions, including James Cameron. Forks Over Knives DVD 
  3. An essential scientific resource: The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell; the primary book that influenced Bill Clinton to adopt a whole food, plant-based diet.
  4. What have we done to our planet? Full Planet, Empty Plates by Lester Brown
  5. A horrifying wake-up call for leaders. TEN BILLION by Dr. Stephen Emmott
  6. Food choices are the primary cause of our environmental problems, yet our world leaders, scientists & experts are Comfortably Unawareby Richard Oppenlander.

Why should we be eating mostly plants? The “big picture” in 4 minutes.

Want to find out how healthy your family is eating? Take our free 4Leaf Survey. It takes 2 or 3 minutes. eCornell is now using our survey in their plant-based nutrition course. Check it out on your smartphone at

International. We’re now reaching people in over 100 countries. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter or get daily blog notices by “following” us in the top of the right-hand column. For occasional updates, join our periodic mailing list.

J. Morris Hicks, working daily to promote health, hope and harmony on planet Earth.

To order more of my favorite books—visit our online BookStore now For help in your own quest to take charge of your health, visit our 4Leaf Program and also enjoy some great recipes from Lisa’s 4Leaf Kitchen.

Got a question? Let me hear from you at Or give me a call on my cell at 917-399-9700.

—J. Morris Hicks, board member since 2012; click banner for more info:

Nutrition Certificate

About J. Morris Hicks

A former strategic management consultant and senior corporate executive with Ralph Lauren in New York, J. Morris Hicks has always focused on the "big picture" when analyzing any issue. In 2002, after becoming curious about our "optimal diet," he began a study of what we eat from a global perspective ---- discovering many startling issues and opportunities along the way. In addition to an MBA and a BS in Industrial Engineering, he holds a certificate in plant-based nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, where he has also been a member of the board of directors since 2012. Having concluded that our food choices hold the key to the sustainability of our civilization, he has made this his #1 priority---exploring all avenues for influencing humans everywhere to move back to the natural plant-based diet for our species.
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