
What is 4Leaf?

617 jpeg 4Leaf LogoIt is an eating approach designed to make it easy for everyone to learn how to eat a near-optimal diet.

Naturally, it all begins with the definition of the optimal diet for humans. In the interest of simplicity, we chose this statement by Professor Emeritus T. Colin Campbell of Cornell University. Here, he concisely summarizes his conclusions after a half-century career as a nutritional scientist:

“The closer we get to eating a diet of whole, plant-based foods, the better off we will be.”

—T. Colin Campbell, PhD, Nutritional Biochemistry

The Bottom Line. 4Leaf is all about helping people around the world toward that ideal diet for humans, by maximizing the percent of calories from whole, plant-based foods.

Our primary tool is the 4Leaf Survey consisting of twelve multiple-choice questions that can be taken in two minutes, online or on paper – now available in eight languages. For all things 4Leaf, including licensing information, visit:

 4Leaf website at 4leafprogram.com

Got a question? Let me hear from you at jmorrishicks@me.com. Or call: 917-399-9700

—J. Morris Hicks, board member since 2012; click banner for more info:Nutrition Certificate

6 Responses to 4Leaf

  1. Pingback: Food. Health. Planet: The Connection! | The plant based nurse

  2. Pingback: Food. Health. Planet: The Connection! | The Scranton Beets

  3. zsolt says:

    I find 4leaf an excellent idea but in my situation (ESRD/on dialysis) I have to follow a diet with max.2000mgs of potassium (pretty low)+800mgs of phosphorus (pretty low especially with the high protein required)+2400 kcals (pretty high with WFPB) +80 grams of protein (pretty high) per day – with all these restrictions I doubt I could reach 3leaf let alone 4. Any idea or sample menu compliant with both 4leaf and dialysis diet?

  4. Lewis says:

    I just finished your audiobook and found it very interesting and totally agree with your points on health. i was hoping you guys had a 4 leaf app to help me keep track of eating habits in order to better break bad patterns. Is there anything like this around?

    • J. Morris Hicks says:

      Lewis, Glad you liked our book. As for a 4Leaf app, we will have one in the future, but I am not sure when. In the meantime, I recommend that you go to 4leafprogram.com, take our survey once a week as your eating habits improve. That little survey is pretty accurate in estimating your 4Leaf level; it has been given about 2500 times and people seem to like it.

      Be well, Jim Hicks

  5. Pingback: The 4Leaf Program from Jim Hicks | Sensible Vegan

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