Jumbo “poster-size” Cancer Letter to VP Joe Biden

Mounted on an 18″ by 24″ foam poster board

Biden Letter Photo

Printed by Office Depot and delivered to the White House by UPS, this letter will be hard to miss.

A few weeks ago, a good friend in Baltimore recommended that I send my next “cancer letter” to Vice President Biden in a format that could not possibly fall through the cracks. That letter was prepared this morning and I just ordered the jumbo version (shown here) from Office Depot.  It will be delivered to The White House on Friday, February 5.

As I note in the first paragraph, I received an email “cancer project” update from Mr. Biden’s office today–an indication that I am now in their system. I have provided a copy of that update below my letter at the end of this blogpost. As you will see, so far it’s business as usual with no hint whatsoever that they might consider even listening to ideas that haven’t been approved by the cancer industry insiders.

But I will soldier on because this opportunity with Biden and Obama in their last  year in office is just too good to miss. Neither has to worry about politics or being elected EVER again. I am also near-certain that they will make ZERO progress working within the “cancer industry.” Why not? Because the rules of the industry do not favor finding a game-changing cure. They only favor making money. Meanwhile, we’re pretty confident that the WFPB “cure” could ultimately take down the whole industry. My blog from 2012: Riding the cancer train to fame and fortune

This is the 4th letter that I have sent to Mr. Biden since January 17. None of the first three letters have been acknowledged. But mounted on an 18 by 24 poster board, hopefully, it will raise the chances that Mr. Biden will actually see the letter and that he will take the message seriously.

White HouseFebruary 1, 2016

The Honorable Joseph Biden, Vice President of the United States

Subject: “Moonshot” Cancer Initiative

Dear Vice President Biden,

This is the 4th letter I have sent to you in two weeks. This one is a condensed version of my January 26 letter that was sent via USPS. The first two were sent via email. Today, I received an emailed update from The White House on the cancer project. Thank you for that, although I seriously doubt that you have seen my first three letters. Maybe this one will actually make it to your office.

By definition, your “Moonshot” initiative suggests that it is an ambitious, exploratory and ground-breaking type of project. If your initiative really is all of those things, hopefully you will step outside the “cancer industry” during your initial exploration and will consider possible courses of action that could lead to the end of cancer as we know it—and the trillion dollar industry that benefits from its existence. Please Mr. Vice President, just consider the following information as soon as possible.

First, I would like to share some data that may have never made it to your or the president’s desk. In 2005, some alarming scientific findings linking the consumption of animal protein with cancer were published in a best-selling book called The China Study. Bill Clinton credits that book as a major reason for his switch to a plant-based diet in 2010.

Colin Campbell, PhD (Professor Emeritus, Nutritional Biochemistry, Cornell University), reported in that book that he was able to turn cancer “on” and “off” in laboratory animals (decades earlier) at Cornell simply by adjusting the amount of casein (milk protein) in their diet. Knowing that his work would create big problems with the meat and dairy industries (who heavily fund Cornell research), the administration there has done their best to marginalize Dr. Campbell’s work ever since.

Nine years later, a general practitioner in Ireland (John Kelly, MD) published human trials (that strongly reinforced the validity of Dr. Campbell’s findings) in his 2014 book entitled, Stop Feeding Your Cancer. As he said in that book, “The failure of The China Study to translate research momentum into efficient, globally coordinated empirical testing was to my mind a tragedy.”

But now, sir, you have a rare opportunity to revisit that tragedy, a crucial step that may prove to be the most important step ever taken in the 45-year-old war against cancer. All you have to do is ask the right questions to the right people—beginning with Dr. Francis Collins at the NIH. For example, you might want to consider asking this question first:

“In the eleven years since The China Study was published in 2005, why hasn’t the NIH (or any other cancer research organization in the world) conducted a single formal human study aimed at determining if Dr. Campbell’s lab findings were transferable to human cancer patients?”

We know from Dr. Kelly’s informal findings in Ireland that they most probably are transferable. And if they are, how many lives could have been saved if our “cancer industry” had urgently begun those formal studies eleven years ago? Now that I think about it, you should ask that same question to the CEO of the American Cancer Society and all of the other cancer organizations around the world about why none of them have insisted that Campbell’s alarming scientific findings be tested in humans. They certainly have the funds to do so.

What next? Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. John Kelly and I respectfully request a meeting with you in Washington at your earliest convenience to discuss this crucial topic. Copies of my first three letters can be found at the top of my personal website at hpjmh.com. So far, there has been no response to any of them.

I would like to add that while you would have made a fine president, you can do far more for all of the world’s citizens, and for Beau’s legacy, by tackling this horrendous disease once and for all. I truly believe that you are the right person, in the right place, at the right time–to be that globally recognized leader who can help all the world’s citizens learn about the crucial relationship between our food choices and not only cancer, but most other chronic diseases as well–along with a host of environmental issues that will prove to be far more important than human health in the long run.

Hoping to be able to join your “moonshot” cancer initiative on a fulltime basis for your final eleven months in office and beyond, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely, J. Morris (Jim) Hicks

Board member, T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, Ithaca, New York

Cancer Project Update Note–Received today from The White House

To: Jim Hicks

Subject: The meeting I’ll walk into in a few hours:

During his final State of the Union, the President put me in charge of a new national commitment to ending cancer as we know it.

We’re calling it a “Moonshot,” and that’s because I believe that this effort, like President Kennedy’s call to land on the moon 55 years ago, is truly a call to humankind — to be bold and do big things.

And right now, I’m about to walk into the very first meeting of the Cancer Moonshot Task Force the President just created, and tasked me with chairing.

Here’s what it all means.

Every single federal agency with a part to play in this mission — from the National Institutes of Health and Food and Drug Administration to the Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Energy and its national energy labs — will be in the same room together to make sure we’re working from the same playbook.

We’ll make sure we’re making the most of investments, of our research and data, our supercomputing capabilities, our targeted incentives, private-sector efforts, and patient-engagement initiatives.

In fact, just today we announced a new 1 billion dollar jumpstart to make sure some of the best work going on has the funding that it needs.

Because ultimately, as the federal government, our job is to break down silos and bring people together who are doing the most cutting-edge work. Our job is to clear out the bureaucratic hurdles — and let science happen.

And we’re going to continue to call on families, researchers, and physicians all across the country to join this effort and rise to the challenge.

I’ve been in touch with hundreds of the world’s top cancer physicians, researchers, and philanthropists.

And I’ve been in touch with Americans around the country who know the realities of this disease firsthand, people who have lived through it and people who have lost their loved ones they hold most dearly.

If you’ve got a story to tell about how this disease has touched your life, I want to hear from you.

And following the meeting, at around 3:30 p.m. Eastern, Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health, and Dr. Douglas Lowy, Chief of the National Cancer Institute’s Laboratory of Cellular Oncology, will be taking your questions on Twitter. You can ask them using #CancerMoonshot.

As the President said in the State of the Union, we can do this for the loved ones we’ve lost — and the families we can still save.

I couldn’t agree more. If there is one word that defines us as Americans, it’s “possibility.” And I believe this is possible.

I know that we can do this.

I’ll be in touch along the way with ways you can help — believe it.

Thank you,


Visit WhiteHouse.gov

The following six books can be purchased on Amazon for a grand total of less than $60—and will enable you to understand the overwhelming challenges we face—along with the single most-powerful solution of all.

Six-Pack from Hicks—for health, hope & harmony on planet Earth

  1. 4Leaf Guide to Vibrant Health, powerful new book by Kerry Graff, MD and yours truly
  2. Healthy Eating, Healthy WorldThe “big picture” about food (my first book)
  3. An essential scientific resource: The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell; the primary book that influenced Bill Clinton to adopt a whole food, plant-based diet.
  4. Primary cause of cancer is not bad luck. Stop Feeding Your Cancer, by John Kelly, MD
  5. A horrifying wake-up call for leaders. TEN BILLION by Dr. Stephen Emmott
  6. Food choices are the primary cause of our environmental problems, yet our world leaders, scientists & experts are Comfortably Unawareby Richard Oppenlander.

Why should we be eating mostly plants? The “big picture” in 4 minutes.

Want to find out how healthy you are eating? Take our free 4Leaf Survey. It takes about two minutes. eCornell is now using our survey in their plant-based nutrition course.

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J. Morris Hicks, working daily to promote health, hope and harmony on planet Earth.

To order more of my favorite books—visit our online BookStore now For help in your own quest to take charge of your health, visit our 4Leaf Program website, which is now being used by an ever-growing army of enlightened medical doctors who are fed up with “disease care” and want to promote true health for their patients.

Got a question? Let me hear from you at jmh@4leafglobal.com

—J. Morris Hicks, board member since 2012; click banner for more info:

Nutrition Certificate

About J. Morris Hicks

A former strategic management consultant and senior corporate executive with Ralph Lauren in New York, J. Morris Hicks has always focused on the "big picture" when analyzing any issue. In 2002, after becoming curious about our "optimal diet," he began a study of what we eat from a global perspective ---- discovering many startling issues and opportunities along the way. In addition to an MBA and a BS in Industrial Engineering, he holds a certificate in plant-based nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, where he has also been a member of the board of directors since 2012. Having concluded that our food choices hold the key to the sustainability of our civilization, he has made this his #1 priority---exploring all avenues for influencing humans everywhere to move back to the natural plant-based diet for our species.
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10 Responses to Jumbo “poster-size” Cancer Letter to VP Joe Biden

  1. Greg Smith says:

    Looks to be business as usual at the first “Moonshot Meeting” $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  2. Leo M. Schwaiger says:

    “How Not to Die” is a book by Dr. Michael Greger, MD, which is a best seller and has come out just in time for this project. It has 140 pages of references. Nathan Pritikin told us of these changes 40 years ago. Dr. Dean Ornish also showed us heart disease is reversible through better choices of food. Pritikin and Ornish programs are available through Medicare. How many doctors are aware of that? Read the book and you may look at food differently.

  3. Great work Jim! We have to keep putting this information out there to even have a chance. Thanks for all you do!

    Dustin Rudolph

    • J. Morris Hicks says:

      Hi Dustin, thanks for your comment. I just sent this note to my friend Joanne Irwin who commented on my earlier Biden post.

      This opportunity with Biden and Obama in their last year in office is just too good to miss. Neither have to worry about politics or being elected EVER again. I am also positive that they will make ZERO progress working within the “cancer industry.” Why not? Because the rules of the industry do not favor finding a genuine cure. They only favor making money. And our “genuine cure” would ultimately take down the whole industry. My blog from 2012: https://hpjmh.com/2012/10/06/riding-the-cancer-train-to-fame-and-fortune/

  4. David Meyer says:

    Wow! Biden is asking for input and you are offering truly meaningful input. The agencies he is marshaling have tremendous resources and capabilities but their focus will only produce same old, same old if what you are sharing is ignored. How can we get him to take you seriously?

  5. Salvatore Liggieri says:


    Eloquently said. But what if you get no response, where do you go from there?

    Your friend the Perennial Pessimist!

    Sal Liggieri

  6. Kerry Graff says:

    Nice! I’m in New Mexico w pcrm on Native American project. Crazy life! Sent from my iPhone


  7. Good work Jim. Look forward to our interview this week. Marlene

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