Short Videos: Bill Clinton, Bittman, Dr. Gupta, etc.

This page contains six short videos, featuring Bill Clinton, Mark Bittman, Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Campbell and others.

1. Bill Clinton with Wolf Blitzer on CNN (2:39 min). What more do you need? A former president of the United States goes plant-based “so that his body can heal itself. No meat, no dairy.” He mentions Dr. Campbell and Dr. Esselstyn. Very powerful testimony from a highly influential personality.

2. Mark Bittman and “What’s wrong with what we eat? This video runs about twenty minutes with Mark telling it like it is. Everything from diabetes & cancer to global warming to water shortages/pollution to biodiversity issues. Although Mark is not always consistent in his message, there is no question that he has a great deal of knowledge on this subject and is the most prominent (New York Times) news person who does. Watch this video and share it with your friends and family.

3. “The Last Heart Attack” with Sanjay Gupta on CNN. There are two videos here. The first is a short piece that features another CNN reporter asking Sanjay about his 8-28-11 special. Sanjay convincingly demonstrates that he truly “gets it” about plant-based nutrition. When the short video ends, you may then watch the entire 41-minute special without commercial interruption. VERY POWERFUL.

4. HOME, the movie trailer (2:27 min). The short “trailer” to the powerful 2009 film by PPR entitled HOME. It was produced in France and has been viewed by over 400 million people. It exquisitely describes how the miracle of life occurred 4 billion years ago and what has happened to the fragile harmony of our planet in just the last 50 years. 

5. Forks Over Knives – movie trailer (2:56 min) This powerful documentary featuring Dr. Campbell and Dr. Esselstyn, opened in the summer of 2010. It has already saved millions of lives.  This movie features a Cornell scientist and a top Cleveland Clinic surgeon…and their simultaneous discovery that a whole foods, plant-based diet can promote health, save lives and lower the cost of health care in this country by 70 to 80%. Click here to purchase the DVD of the entire movie from Amazon.

6. Dr. Scott Stoll.  In the following seven-minute video, Dr. Stoll provides us with a concise summary of the importance of healthy eating. The video format is a series of questions related to his immersion programs at Whole Foods Market. So who is Dr. Stoll? From the THI website:

Dr. Scott Stoll is a board-certified specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and currently serves as the medical director for the Back and Neck center at Coordinated Health, chairman of the department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and team physician for Lehigh University. His practice specializes in treating musculoskeletal injuries through regenerative therapies and improving health through nutritional excellence.

He can be heard daily on his radio program Health Minutes in the Lehigh Valley and in lectures around the country.  As a former Olympian, Dr. Stoll is well suited for his additional roles as a team physician for the United States Bobsled and Skeleton Federation and an advising physician serving professional and Olympic athletes.  Dr. Stoll also serves on the Whole Foods Market Scientific Medical Advisory Board.

Meet Dr. Stoll

First Question: What is your solution to the health care issue and how has this been proven with your current/past patients?

For more videos, hover over the “Video” tab at the top right of this page, just below the banner.

Handy 4-piece take-charge-of-your-health kit—from

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J. Morris Hicks, working daily to promote health, hope and harmony on planet Earth.

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Blogging daily at…from the seaside village of Stonington, Connecticut – Be well and have a great day.

—J. Morris Hicks, board member, T. Colin Campbell Foundation

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