Heart Disease—All you need to know on one page

Just say NO to Heart Disease! (3 powerful videos)

If you want to get rid of your heart disease without surgery or if you want to make your children “heart attack proof” for their entire lives, you’ve found the right page.

For your convenience, this page is now included in the new alphabetical listing under the “Diseases” tab of this site.

Caldwell Esselstyn, MD. Director of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Reversal at the Wellness Institute of the Cleveland Clinic.

Caldwell Esselstyn, MD, along with Dr. Ornish and Dr. Campbell, influenced President Clinton to reverse his heart disease.

Our nation’s #1 killer, heart disease, is easily reversible in 95% of the cases with the simple adoption of a whole foods, plant-based diet. That has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt by the two well-known physicians (Ornish and Esselstyn) who influenced President Clinton to walk away from meat and dairy and adopt a whole foods, plant-based diet.

Since Mr. Clinton read their books and The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, he has reversed his heart disease, lost weight and is now enjoying vibrant health. As Dr. Esselstyn says:

“The truth be known, coronary artery disease is a toothless paper tiger that need never exist and if it does exist, it need never progress.”

—Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr, Director of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention & Reversal at the Wellness Institute of The Cleveland Clinic.

This page leads off with three videos (4 minutes, 2 minutes and 40 minutes). They’re all related to the CNN special, The Last Heart Attack with Dr. Sanjay Gupta that first aired in late August of 2011. Taking charge of your health in just 46 minutes—for free!!

  1. The first video is a 4-minute segment during which Dr. Gupta is being interviewed by Ali Velshi, a co-host of American Morning on CNN. Sanjay makes it very clear to Ali in this video that he completely “gets it” after working for months to produce The Last Heart Attack Special.
  2. The second video is just two minutes and features Dr. Esselstyn and one of his patients who just said NO to surgery and proceeded to reverse her heart disease with parsnips, greens and sweet potatoes.
  3. Finally, the entire 40-minute special with Dr. Sanjay Gupta. It features President Clinton and Dr. Esselstyn and compares two treatment regimens: Open heart surgery or eating whole plants. Watch the video and then decide which option is best for you.

Ali Velshi of CNN interviews Dr. Gupta

Before watching the entire 40-minute special—Take a look at the two-minute highlight below—featuring Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and Sharon Kintz, one of his patients.

Two-minute highlight with Dr. Gupta and Dr. Esselstyn

Entire 40-Minute Special—CNN, August 2011

If you watched the above videos, you now know from very credible sources how you and your family can easily prevent or reverse heart disease. So now you might ask, how can I do that?

4-LEAF_FORLIFEI recommend that you start with our 4Leaf Survey which will help you assess how healthful your diet is now; then you might want to review more helpful information about how to get started with lots of whole foods, plant-based recipes:

Dean Ornish, M.D., along with Esselstyn, influenced President Clinton to walk away from meat and dairy, eat whole plants and reverse his heart disease.

Dean Ornish, M.D., along with Esselstyn, influenced President Clinton to walk away from meat and dairy, eat whole plants and reverse his heart disease.

One-on-one MD Help. Sadly, 95% of our medical doctors are not aware of the power of plant-based nutrition to combat many chronic diseases, including heart disease. If you would like a second opinion from a medical doctor who truly “gets it” about food, you may wish to visit our MD Help page and schedule a telephone consultation with one of the MDs listed there.

Please forward this page to anyone you know that may be interested in learning more about the causes and prevention of heart disease. Want to do more reading? Take a look at a few of these links. They’re among 35 of my blogposts on the topic of heart disease. For the most recent, click on the last link.

  1. Why you won’t find hear this life-saving information from the American Heart Association (6-23-12)
  2. Sharing life-saving information with a friend… (4-13-12)
  3. Clinton or Cheney? Which heart treatment do you prefer? (3-26-12)
  4. Off his meds for Christmas…a heartwarming story from Florida (12-17-11)
  5. Eliminating the #1 cause of death. Dr. William Roberts (10-3-11)
  6. ConsumerReports. Deceptive “confusion” on Heart Disease (9-18-11)
  7. Bill Clinton — social change, urgency and activism (9-12-11)
  8. Gupta over Oz…when it comes to CLARITY! (9-5-11)
  9. “The Last Heart Attack” on CNN (My review) + link to video (8-29-11)
  10. The Heart Disease “Category Page on my website (most recent blogs first)
Consecutive daily blogs

Consecutive daily blogs

Want to help eliminate heart disease? Share this page with everyone you know—not just people you think might be sick. As Dr. Esselstyn says, many millions of people (who think they’re in great health) already have coronary artery disease—they just haven’t had their first heart attack yet.

This page is now included in the new alphabetical listing under the “Diseases” tab.

Handy 4-piece take-charge-of-your-health kit—from Amazon.com

Want to find out how healthy your family is eating? Take our free 4Leaf Diagnostic Survey. It takes less than five minutes and you can score it yourself. After taking the survey, please give me your feedback as it will be helpful in the development of our future 4Leaf app for smartphones. Send feedback to jmorrishicks@me.com

International. We’re now reaching people in over 100 countries. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter or get daily blog notices by “following” us in the top of the right-hand column. For occasional updates, join our periodic mailing list.

To order more of my favorite books—visit our online BookStore now

J. Morris Hicks, working daily to promote health, hope and harmony on planet Earth.

For help in your own quest to take charge of your health, you might find some useful information at our 4Leaf page or some great recipes at Lisa’s 4Leaf Kitchen.

Got a question? Let me hear from you at jmorrishicks@me.com. Or give me a call on my cell at 917-399-9700.

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Blogging daily at hpjmh.com…from the seaside village of Stonington, Connecticut – Be well and have a great day.

—J. Morris Hicks, board member, T. Colin Campbell Foundation

About J. Morris Hicks

A former strategic management consultant and senior corporate executive with Ralph Lauren in New York, J. Morris Hicks has always focused on the "big picture" when analyzing any issue. In 2002, after becoming curious about our "optimal diet," he began a study of what we eat from a global perspective ---- discovering many startling issues and opportunities along the way. In addition to an MBA and a BS in Industrial Engineering, he holds a certificate in plant-based nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, where he has also been a member of the board of directors since 2012. Having concluded that our food choices hold the key to the sustainability of our civilization, he has made this his #1 priority---exploring all avenues for influencing humans everywhere to move back to the natural plant-based diet for our species.
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3 Responses to Heart Disease—All you need to know on one page

  1. CJ says:

    Jim, good stuff, but the main problem I have with the Dr. Gupta videos is that they include Dr. Arthur Agatston who developed the South Beach Diet, which is painfully “low carb” and pushes a massive amount of animal-based foods. I actually read and tried following that for years, before reading The China Study… including the SB Diet’s starting point one-week no-carb fast. Just terrible. Only wanted to point out that Dr. Agatson and his diets are not recommended in these plant-based circles. Dr’s Campbell, Esselstyn, Fuhrman and McDougall have the authority here.
    That Clinton SNL skit is one of my favorite from Phil Hartman. Still cracks me up!

    Joanne, thanks for the good work you do. I think spreading the message includes what you’re doing promoting Forks Over Knives and also the key books. At least Netflix carries Forks Over Knives which many people I know are getting exposed to on their own. We need more documentaries like that… so many people in the main stream don’t read anymore.

  2. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/paul-mccartney/paul-mccartney-life-as-a-vegetarian-linda-mccartney_b_2545038.html?utm_hp_ref=uk

    Paul McCartney is another influential person supporting a vegetarian lifestyle for all the right reasons.

  3. Joanne Irwin says:

    The other night I sponsored a showing of the renowned documentary, “Forks Over Knives” whch features the journeys of Dr. Esselstyn and Professor Campbell. One of my regular class participants brought her husband. After the movie he came up to me and offered, “I’m a marketing guy. How come I don’t hear about this?” Obviously, he runs in different circles than the Greek chorus of plant based folks who absorb this info from various websites and media every day. But his question posed a challenge…..How do we continue to bring this message into the mainstream?

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