The CERTAINTY of global warming and water scarcity…

And the worst catastrophes that can be avoided—if we act NOW!

Water CrisisMainstream scientists and environmentalists now agree that human-driven climate change is happening and that today’s water shortages around the world are only going to get worse. Most of those same experts also know that the number one cause of BOTH is the raising of livestock. So why aren’t they talking more about the latter? Two reasons:

  1. Most of those experts believe that we “need” to eat animal protein to be healthy and therefore don’t even consider suggesting that we drastically cut—or even eliminate—our demand for animal-based foods.
  2. It would not be a popular stance. With the vast majority of people in the Western world eating meat & dairy at every meal (including our physicians and nutritional scientists), such a stance might be detrimental to their careers.

Hastening the process of getting mainstreamers onboard

Scientists are now in almost complete agreement that human-driven global warming is happening.

Scientists are now in almost complete agreement that human-driven global warming is happening.

The Problem. By far, the leading cause of global warming AND water scarcity is the raising of livestock. Yet the global production of meat & dairy calories continues to rise—even though it has leveled off in some countries. (See 12-2-13 link to Scientific American article below.)

The Opportunity. By influencing billions of people to replace most of their meat & dairy calories with plant-based calories, we still have time to avoid the worst consequences of global warming and water shortages. How can we cause those meat & dairy calories to drop sharply in the next few years?

The Good News. The mainstreamers are beginning to promote the replacement of meat calories with plant-based calories. The most prominent name is Bill Gates. From his “Future of Food” piece at (see link below), here is Bill’s Introduction:

Meat consumption worldwide has doubled in the last 20 years, and it is expected to double again by 2050. This is happening in large part because economies are growing and people can afford more meat. That’s all good news. But raising meat takes a great deal of land and water and has a substantial environmental impact. Put simply, there’s no way to produce enough meat for 9 billion people. Yet we can’t ask everyone to become vegetarians. We need more options for producing meat without depleting our resources.

Over the past few years I’ve come across a few companies that are doing pioneering work on innovations that give a glimpse into possible solutions. To be sure, it’s still very early, but the work these companies are doing makes me optimistic. I wanted to share with you a look at their work on creating alternatives to meat and eggs that are just as healthful, are produced more sustainably, and taste great.

Read on to learn how their work can benefit everyone.

Later in the “Future of Food” piece (see link below), Bill asks popular author and food activist, Michael Pollan, a question:

Bill Gates: Why should people consider replacing meat in their diets?

Michael Pollan: Three principal motivators: health, because we know high consumption of red meat correlates with higher chances of certain cancers; and the environment, because we know that conventional meat production is one of the biggest drivers of climate change, as well as water and pollution; and ethics, since the animal factories that produce most of our meat and milk are brutal places where animals suffer needlessly.

Future of FoodNow all we need is URGENCY. I am thrilled to see mainstreamers like Gates and Pollan supporting the reduction of meat & dairy calories in our diets. But, without a HUGE global initiative promoting that dietary shift, it will take many decades before we see much results.

During those “many decades,” global warming tipping points will be passed, water shortages will increase dramatically and billions of people will suffer and/or die unnecessarily. So, how can we ratchet up the URGENCY on tackling the most crucial problems in the history of humankind? Two Things:

1. A well-funded MASSIVE global awareness campaign. In order to have an actual drop in meat & dairy calories produced worldwide in 2015, we must reach the world’s two billion most affluent people in 2014. We must take this world-changing message directly to the people—it would take far too long to go the conventional route—through governments, universities, environmental groups, and journalists. Why just 2B? Those are the people consuming most of the meat & dairy calories and, when they reduce meat consumption, the other 5B will follow.

2.Concurrent appeal to mainstream leaders. Also, during 2014, we will leverage the planned global awareness campaign to enlist the ACTIVE support of the top twenty most influential organizations in the world in each of the following nine categories: environmental, sustainability, scientific, food producers, medicine, government, faith-based, philanthropic and media. This is all about giving all interested parties a courtesy “heads up” regarding what’s about to happen. Hopefully, they will then find it in their best interests to URGENTLY begin sharing this message with those who support them.

Promoting the same global message: In order to avoid the worst effects of global warming and water shortages, we encourage EVERYONE to start trying to replace at least 75% of their meat & dairy calories with plant-based calories. ANY plant-based calories.

Not the healthiest of plant-based calories, but are much better for the environment than animal-based.

Not the healthiest of plant-based calories, but are much better for the environment than animal-based.

Why not tell everyone to shift to the healthiest possible calories? Those derived from whole, plant-based foods?

Two reasons:

1. ANY plant-based calorie that replaces an animal-based calorie will do wonderful things for the environment; particularly global warming and our water supply.

2. We want to replace the maximum number of animal based calories (meat, dairy, eggs and fish) in the world—with plant-based calories. To do that, we must reach the maximum number of people. The more plant-based options we have, the more people there will be who start replacing those animal-based calories.

Expected Results. With enough support from the “mainstream leaders” mentioned above, the net effect of the above two concurrent initiatives could very well be a slight reduction in the global production of animal-based calories in 2015, a ten percent reduction in 2016 followed by a further twenty percent reduction in 2017.

2018Happy New Year 2018. If we’re able to achieve the above results in the next four years, the notion that we “need” to eat animal protein to be healthy will no longer be so ubiquitous. Secondly, as with the demise of smoking, the prevailing opinion may be that eating meat, dairy, eggs and fish is simply no longer cool.

And when that shift takes place, we’ll be well on our way to the near elimination of all animal-based foods long before 2040. Hopefully by then, we will have also started similar initiatives aimed at tackling our dual problems of overpopulation and over-consumpiton. While changing our  food choices is the most powerful (and quickest) step we can take—for a truly sustainable future for our great grandchildren, we must also reduce our numbers AND our grossly unsustainable levels of consumption.

Short Video on Global Warming from Robert Goodland. The only way to begin curbing global warming quickly is to address the #1 cause—and that would be livestock. This video explains the simple big picture in less than three minutes.

Robert Goodland presents the cold hard facts of the certainty and URGENCY of global warming in this 17-minute video (Sept. 2013). Goodland was environmental advisor to the World Bank for 23 years.

Please see link below to Robert Goodland’s website on global warming. 

For your health, it's best to maximize the percent of your calories from whole plants. Our 4Leaf level begins at 80%.

For your health, it’s best to maximize the percent of your calories from whole plants. Our 4Leaf level begins at 80%.

Closing Comment re Health. I began my study of the consequences of our food choices in 2002—primarily driven by my curiosity about the optimal diet for humans. That curiosity has led to far more issues and opportunities than I ever imagined. Along the way, I discovered that the optimal diet for our health was whole, plant-based foods. I also discovered that most people don’t want to give up ALL of their meat, dairy, eggs and fish (MDEF). Not yet, anyway.

So, for your health and for slashing the cost of health care in the wealthiest nations—whole,  plant-based foods is definitely the way to go. But for avoiding the worst effects of global warming and water scarcity, we humans (on a global basis) simply must consume far less animal-based foods. So by all means, load up on all the plant-based foods that you can. Even consuming nothing but potato chips and Diet Coke would be great for the environment. For your health? Not so much.

Handy 5-piece take-charge-of-your-health kit—from

Why should we be eating mostly plants? The “big picture” in 4 minutes.

Want to find out how healthy your family is eating? Take our free 4Leaf Survey. It takes less than five minutes and you can score it yourself. After taking the survey, please give me your feedback as it will be helpful in the development of our future 4Leaf app for smartphones. Send feedback to

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J. Morris Hicks, working daily to promote health, hope and harmony on planet Earth.

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For help in your own quest to take charge of your health, visit our 4Leaf page and also enjoy some great recipes from Lisa’s 4Leaf Kitchen.

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—J. Morris Hicks, board member, T. Colin Campbell Foundation

About J. Morris Hicks

A former strategic management consultant and senior corporate executive with Ralph Lauren in New York, J. Morris Hicks has always focused on the "big picture" when analyzing any issue. In 2002, after becoming curious about our "optimal diet," he began a study of what we eat from a global perspective ---- discovering many startling issues and opportunities along the way. In addition to an MBA and a BS in Industrial Engineering, he holds a certificate in plant-based nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, where he has also been a member of the board of directors since 2012. Having concluded that our food choices hold the key to the sustainability of our civilization, he has made this his #1 priority---exploring all avenues for influencing humans everywhere to move back to the natural plant-based diet for our species.
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6 Responses to The CERTAINTY of global warming and water scarcity…

  1. Jim – A Nov. ’13 new Kindle book on eating for self and the environment. I am looking for the author’s website.

    ######################### PREVIEW:
    7b) The first 15 pages of “Eating for the Environment … & Yourself”

    Click to access EatForEnviron%26Self-KindleBook.pdf

    Saves you from accessing

    • Jim – I called the Author — Michael Stein. He does not recall hearing of you yet? I’ll email him. He is practically your neighbor now that you are in southern-most CT!

      Here is his Yoga business website:
      Ashtanga Yoga of New Paltz | Contact =!untitled/sitepage_11
      71 Main Street, New Paltz, NY (Above Earthgoods)
      PHONE MICHAEL: 845.430.7402

      Michael Stein is the Director of Ashtanga Yoga of New Paltz
      Ashtanga Yoga of New Paltz | Director =!untitled/sitepage_6

      Michael has been practicing Hatha yoga for over twenty years and has been teaching it for fifteen years. Michael’s father, who taught yoga in New York City, first introduced him to the study of yoga at the Sivananda ashrams in the Bahamas and upstate New York. . . . Etc. .

      =========== His other website — re the environment and eating:
      About Me [ & Angela Starks! K. ]
      Having organized many discussions relating to Eating for the environment, I am always looking for new places to bring this topic to interested audiences. Please email with any
      View my complete profile . . . . Etc. . .

  2. CJ says:

    Jim, nice overall summary for the year. Speaking of your point on experts and water scarcity, I think Lester Brown is brilliant and his work on informing the world community about water and food being the weakest link and how to move in better directions make his work essential reading for those concerned with this topic.

    I was rewatching one of his presentations on youtube, this one for the Cambridge Forum: and during the Q&A session there is a really good animal farming/environment question at minute 59:00. I like the fact that Lester acknowledges that giving all the grain to animals is a problem and in a point on the importance of high quality proteins says that those high quality proteins don’t have to be animal based proteins. What was still a bit frustrating in his response is that he says that it’s not a clear cut question in his mind of calories in/out when it comes to animal farming, and that farming chicken and catfish can be more efficient than feeding people with soy based foods. My hope is that in 2014 he’ll hear more from you, Dr. Campbell and Dr. Oppenlander and move into a more clear message that for a better future, that all animal farming should stop.

  3. Thank you, Jim. As always, your article is comprehensive, thought-provoking and solution-oriented! I so respect your dogged dedication to the cause. It is indeed encouraging that Bill Gates is also part of the solution.

  4. Joanne Irwin says:

    Jim, you are making this happen. If we all spread your message and stats to folks on our email lists, websites, social media etc., we can begin to join your effort in spreading this urgent message. Christmas & Seasons Blessings to the plant based community out there. And may 2014 see this clarion call resound throughout the world!

  5. Irene Watson says:

    Wow! If there could be a 20% reduction of animal-based calories by 2017, that would be fantastic! It would be great if the top twenty most influential organizations in the world were to truly get behind this, and I hope they do. Having the government reissue the food pyramid and explain how to get protein, calcium, etc. from plant-based foods would do wonders in re-educating the public since people really do pay attention to these guidelines. The problem is that there are so many contradictory messages regarding food and nutrition that it is no wonder the public is reluctant to jump on board. Nonetheless I find it encouraging that you post 2018 as a year when a significant shift takes place.

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