Want more protein from milk? Rat’s milk is your answer.

Today is my birthday—a good day for a post about mother’s milk.

Over the weekend, I posted a video by Dr. Walter J. Veith entitled “Sitting on a Time Bomb.” Since then, I have discovered another one of his educational videos. It is entitled “Udderly Amazing” and features 80 minutes worth of non-stop scientific information about why humans should NEVER drink any cow’s milk and shouldn’t drink any milk at all after weaning.

Dr. Veith was educated in South Africa and received his PhD in Zoology in 1978.  You can view his complete bio by clicking here, but here is just a snippet to give you the idea of his educational background.

1978 Ph.D. Zoology (University of Cape Town). Title of thesis: ’Autoradiographic and Electron Microscopic study of embryonic nutrition in the teleost Clinus superciliosus’

2002-2004. Professor of Medical Bioscience, University of the Western Cape. Since 2005, Retired from academia but active as an international lecturer in most western countries and former east-block countries. Guest speaker at numerous international universities, health and science institutes, radio and television broadcasts as well as schools and church bodies on issues related to diet and degenerative diseases as well as science and religion.

Since meeting this man via video (thanks to Leo Schwaiger) over the weekend, I have been quite impressed with his extensive documentation of facts, his relaxed style, his presentation skills and his sense of humor. In the video featured here today, he made some key points early in his presentation.

The dairy farm of the future for those who want more PROTEIN

The mother’s milk of humans contains the lowest percentage of protein of all 5500 mammals on the planet. He presented a chart showing the protein content in mg./liter for humans, horses, cows, goats, dogs, cats and rats. Alongside that data, he showed the number of days required for each of those mammals to double their weight after consuming only their mother’s milk.

Beginning with humans, and continuing through all of the seven other animals—to rats, the number of days went from 120—60—47—19—8—7—4.5 for the rats. The human milk contains 1.2 mg/liter of protein while the rat’s milk contains ten times as much—11.8 mg./liter—enough to double the infant’s birth-weight in less than five days.

Hence, Dr. Veith’s comments on the video, “If it’s protein maximization that we’re seeking, we should be drinking rats milk—not cow’s milk.” Don’t have time to watch this video right now? You might want to save it for the weekend:

Dr. Walter J. Veith — “Udderly Amazing”


Click here for his complete “Life at its Best” series of 5 lectures. For more information on cow’s milk and other dairy products, here are a few of my earlier posts for your convenience. Oh, in case you were wondering, I turned 67 today.

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J. Morris Hicks, working daily to promote health, hope and harmony on planet Earth.

And if you like what 4Leaf eating is doing for you and your family, you might enjoy visiting our new “4Leaf Gear” store. From the seaside village of Stonington, Connecticut – Be well and have a great day.

—J. Morris Hicks…blogging daily at HealthyEatingHealthyWorld.com

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J. Morris Hicks — Member of the Board of Directors — Click image to visit the foundation website.

About J. Morris Hicks

A former strategic management consultant and senior corporate executive with Ralph Lauren in New York, J. Morris Hicks has always focused on the "big picture" when analyzing any issue. In 2002, after becoming curious about our "optimal diet," he began a study of what we eat from a global perspective ---- discovering many startling issues and opportunities along the way. In addition to an MBA and a BS in Industrial Engineering, he holds a certificate in plant-based nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, where he has also been a member of the board of directors since 2012. Having concluded that our food choices hold the key to the sustainability of our civilization, he has made this his #1 priority---exploring all avenues for influencing humans everywhere to move back to the natural plant-based diet for our species.
This entry was posted in Dairy, cow's milk, Video Included. Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to Want more protein from milk? Rat’s milk is your answer.

  1. Alexander Stumpp says:

    Please check your numbers:
    “The human milk contains 1.2 mg/liter of protein while the rat’s milk contains ten times as much—11.8 mg./liter”
    I almost embarassed myself by blindly copy-pasting this.
    There’s no way this is true. The ratio is correct but they are both off by several orders of magnitude!
    The numbers would be correct as grams per deciliter and not as miligrams per liter!

  2. Leo S. says:

    The following was sent to many people.

    Want more protein from milk? Rat’s milk is your answer.

    The following quoted sentence was one reply:
    “Thanks for sending. I have a feeling people won’t be too interested in tasting rat milk, but then again, what makes a cow so much better?”

    Thanks for your reply. You are the second person, so far, who made the same statement. Does that mean you didn’t see the video (Udderly Amazing)? The title was sarcastic. It appears that many people might come to the same conclusion, which would be a shame. At least go to the 5:15 mark to see the part where the different milks are mentioned. Cow milk might be the least harmful of the two because it is lower in protein, but not as low as human milk. The video takes the time to go into detail about the problems of dairy. With diabetes on the rise we should be interested in seeing the discussion at 17:30 about a cause of Type-1 or juvenile diabetes as it was once called. It appears that I should have included a topic sheet and I sincerely apologize for that mistake. This is a video which might get people to think twice about their lifestyle and see the effects dairy might have on their health. Did you get a chance to look at the other four videos? They were all worth watching and informative, at least to some who would take the time to view them.

    You do all things with your most important possession–your life. It is hoped these videos will provide some information that will be beneficial to you and others.


  3. Pingback: Want more protein from milk? Rat’s milk is your answer. by J Morris HicksWant more protein from milk? Rat’s milk is your answer. Want More Protein from Milk? Rat’s Milk is Your Answer. by | Sensible Vegan

  4. Frances says:

    Happy Birthday Jim!
    Statistics are sending bullets our way but by eating 4-leaf we are dodging them.

  5. MiMi says:

    Happy Birthday! I will be sharing this post with everyone! This is one of the best lectures I have heard on the subject.

  6. barbaraH says:

    Happy Birthday! I agree with Leo – your blog is a gift to your readers.

  7. Lester Sukenik says:

    Happy Birthday Jim! I want to thank you and Leo for the links to these wonderful lectures by Dr. Walter Veith. I think he is amazing and really like his detail in explaining this medical information. I have just finished watching his “Utterly Amazing” and could not agree more with his findings. My journey started some 18 years ago when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer at the age of 49. I’m cancer free now and have been for the last 19 years but always felt the cause was environmental. My research always indicated that dairy was the main cause. This just confirms my research. Haven’t had dairy for 16 years! Love my “vegan” / 4 leaf lifestyle. Many thanks again!!

  8. Denise Sullivan says:

    Happy birthday Jim! and thanks for another great post!

  9. Lucille Andrews says:

    Happy Birthday

  10. Leo M. Schwaiger says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many more of them. Usually people get gifts on their birthday. Today, and every day you post a new article you give people a gift with a chance to evaluate their lifestyle. This lecture should be seen by everyone. Since diabetes is increasing at alarming rates people will be interested in the section that shows the cow milk link to Type-1 diabetes and also the incidence of osteoporosis, which is highest in those nations that consume the greatest amount of milk. Milk is implicated in many other maladies such as Multiple Sclerosis and Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS). How many people of Asian and African heritage know they might be lactose intolerant? Save this one so it can be watched more than once and also sent to others who might benefit from its information.

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